Data & AI culture
Data is a major company asset. Mastering the collection, analysis & processing of data offers a significant competitive advantage for companies. In addition, Data is a key element to empower & drive Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Our data and AI experts discussed how to implement a data centric strategy. They considered the corporate culture to be developed as well as the methods and tools to achieve a data-centric strategy enhanced by Artificial Intelligence, which will, ultimately, convert data into value.
Data and AI news
View all contents >Green IT: a key benefit for the environment & your data security
Green IT is becoming a key issue for companies. Business processes digitization is leading to an increase in the volume of data bringing the environmental impact on the picture, which...
REPLAY | #Data / #AI: our experts analyze the trends for 2022
In 2022, data and AI are more than ever a key priority for companies. For the sixth consecutive year, Business & Decision is presenting the key trends in Data and...
PODCAST | Data Protection and Law Enforcement Directive
The Law Enforcement Directive (LED) is a piece of EU legislation. It deals with the processing of personal data by data controllers for ‘law enforcement purposes’. In our monthly podcast...
PODCAST | Artificial Intelligence to better protect us in times of pandemics
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning technology are playing a key role in better understanding pandemics. More specifically, AI can support decision makers in taking the right actions to handle a...
PODCAST | Data Science applied to Vertical Farming: the future of sustainable farming
By 2050, there will be over 6.5 billion people living in urban spaces according to a United Nations report, making it a real future challenge to feed them all. Vertical...
Software is (still) eating the world
Around mid-December, a big private tourist estate in Ile-de-France (region of France) launched an email campaign to ask its customers for help, in the wake of the disastrous year that had been 2020....
PODCAST | How to improve your ROI with Artificial Intelligence?
More & more industries starts to implement Artificial Intelligence projects into their businesses to optimize their processes and efficiency. But how to see positive return on investment from their AI...
New blog of Business & Decision Welcome to the brand new blog of Business & Decision ! Discover the experience and achievements of our experts and recognized market specialists on the most innovative topics, on...
What Story Does Your Data Tell?
Today’s business users remind me of my kids when they were young. If the story we read each night did not contain pictures… and better yet, interactive pictures that popped...
Data Strategy
View all contents >Data Governance and Data Management: what's the difference?
In a world where companies' ambition is to be data-driven, data governance and data management are still too often regarded as being synonymous. Let us clear up the confusion. Data...
WHITEPAPER | Spiderman guides you towards a data-driven company
There is tremendous enthusiasm for Data Mesh. And for good reason: we finally have a complete framework for valuing data at company level. This white paper offers you a deep...
PODCAST | Data-Driven Culture: When Business & IT meet
It goes without saying that today data is powerful when it is shared across different departments in an organisation. But silos are sometimes still present, with the risk of having...
REPLAY | How Lausanne Tourisme unleashes the power of data
How to offer a better experience to your visitors based on your data? At a time when data is at the heart of our activities, it is crucial to know...
REPLAY | How to put Data at the heart of your business strategy?
The importance of thinking & building your data strategy has never been greater in the era of Big Data, where up to 87% of corporate data is not being fully exploited. So how can you...
REPLAY | How to create impact & quick ROI with Data Governance?
Data Governance is a key enabler for companies to correctly exploit the data they have in terms of operational efficiency, meeting business strategic needs, business use cases and even more…...
REPLAY | Data Governance: How to maximize the value of your organization’s data?
Data has become what we can call a “digital lifeblood” for many companies. Following the same image as oil, Data needs to be extracted, stored, and transformed to create value...
PODCAST | How to maximize your ROI with your Data Analytics?
We have seen a lot of evolution in analytics these past years using new modern technologies & solutions but also by collecting more and more data, but what about the...
How to exploit company Data regardless of activity sector?
It is often said that data is the new oil. But although data is everywhere, most of it is often stored away, completely untapped by businesses. So, how to make...
PODCAST | Golden rules for businesses when moving to the Cloud
We already know why Cloud Data Platform are a new Eldorado for enterprises. Cloud Technology is accelerating companies in their digital transformation journey by offering an infinite scalability, a centered...
Data Governance: how to build a successful Data Culture?
It is crucial to pay a particular attention to the use and adoption of Data Governance regarding any new initiative, whether it is an innovation or the deployment of a...
REPLAY | How to become a data-centric company?
Many figures show that all companies are not data-centric and they do not exploit fully their data, approximately 20% of exploited data is business critical. Data is at the heart...
7 Reasons Why your Analytics may not deliver ROI
It is time to talk about the elephant in the room: Why is ROI so elusive in analytics? Sure, it is difficult to quantify the value of analytics, but most...
REPLAY | Trends & Innovation in Data Governance
Recent trends & innovations make Data Governance increasingly important for companies. However building your Data Governance can be difficult at first, as it needs to be embed, structured and organized...
Data Trends
View all contents >#AI: 7 hot topics for 2025
The 7 IA hot topics of this 9th edition are the solutions for the performing company. What are specifically the trends and topics to track in 2025? Here our videos...
REPLAY | The missing pillars in the Data Mesh approach
Is Data Mesh a utopia? For two years now, the concept of Data Mesh has been seen as a revolution in the world of data since it would fill the...
Data Mesh, a total data-driven model
Through its four main pillars, Data Mesh truly moves away from the dogma of centralisation and all-technology in favor of a global approach based on federation. Data Mesh thus promises...
#Data #AI: 7 hot topics for 2023
The 7 hot topics Data and AI of this 7th edition are the solutions for the performing company. What are specifically the trends and topics to track in 2023? This...
Data Mesh: Practical examples and feedback
Mastering data and its uses to create value is an ambition that is increasingly shared. However, organisations continue to face obstacles that Data Mesh could help to overcome… provided the...
Data Mesh: federated governance to guarantee efficiency
Data governance is an essential part of any data strategy. Nevertheless, it remains complex to deploy in a traditional organisation, but through its federated approach, Data Mesh is able to...
Data infrastructure self-service as the technological driving force behind Data Mesh
Data Mesh is not strictly speaking a technological approach, but data domains need powerful technical resources to develop their products. The data platform and its infrastructure are a facilitator for...
Data Mesh: data is a product
Oil, digital black gold, strategic asset… With Data Mesh, data is regarded as a product. Data domains are responsible for managing the life cycle of these products and for sharing...
Data domains: Data Mesh gives business domains superpowers
The Data Mesh concept is based on four main pillars, the first of which is an organisation divided into data domains. To be effective, this structure must reflect the business...
Data Mesh:The ultimate model for data-driven companies?
A new paradigm for data management, Data Mesh breaks with data centralisation models used for the past 30 years. Its foundations: federated decentralisation and redistribution of responsibility for the benefit...
REPLAY | #Data / #AI: our experts analyze the trends for 2022
In 2022, data and AI are more than ever a key priority for companies. For the sixth consecutive year, Business & Decision is presenting the key trends in Data and...
#Data #AI: 7 hot topics for 2022
The 7 hot topics #Data and #IA of this 6th edition are the solutions for the performing company. What are specifically the trends and topics to track in 2022? Here...
5 new Customer Engagement trends reshaping the Digital landscape
To some extent, our habits and way of living may be changed forever by the pandemic that started in 2020. Nevertheless, the goal of digital marketers has remained the same:...
Data Careers: what skills do you need to exploit data?
Data professions are evolving and attracting an increasing number of talents. At the same time, demand from companies is soaring. But how to find your way through the various job...
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