White papers Webinars

Do you have lots of standalone files used for reporting? Are you spending a huge effort in producing and sharing reports across your organization? How could you ease the reporting process for your decision-makers?

How to accelerate your decision-making process with Tableau

How to optimize your reporting life cycle

With Tableau, we could optimize your reporting life cycle and bring visual analytics to another level!

Discover the advantages of embracing a modern visual analytics platform that will change the way you think about and look at data.


  • Introduction to Data Visualization
  • Deep dive into the De Lijn success story “Mobility Tool”
  • Former way of reporting on passenger’s activity
  • Why mobility tool?
  • Why Tableau?
  • The Tableau way
  • Interactive Q&A session
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Business & Decision

Business & Decision, a global consulting and systems integration (CSI) Group, is a leader in Business Intelligence (BI) and CRM, and a major player in e-Business. We leverage a unique combination of technical, functional and industry specialization, as well as partnerships with all of the…

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