Data tutorials, tools and languages

How to develop and properly exploit the functionalities of Data tools and languages?

Querying, indexing, aggregating, updating, analyzing, etc. Our experts provide you with a concrete approach to the possibilities of applying and deploying the main Data tools and languages, through a series of tutorials.

Spark Structured Streaming: performance testing

Spark Structured Streaming: performance testing

Spark is an open source distributed computing framework that is more efficient than Hadoop, supports three main languages (Scala, Java and Python) and has rapidly carved out a significant niche...

Spark Structured Streaming: from data transformation to unit testing

Spark Structured Streaming: from data transformation to unit testing

Spark is an open-source distributed computing framework that is more efficient than Hadoop, supports three main languages (Scala, Java and Python). It has rapidly carved out a significant niche in...

Spark Structured Streaming: from data management to processing maintenance

Spark Structured Streaming: from data management to processing maintenance

Spark is an open source distributed computing framework that is more efficient than Hadoop, supports three main languages (Scala, Java and Python) and has rapidly carved out a significant niche...

Color in Dashboarding: a Love-Hate relationship

Color in Dashboarding: a Love-Hate relationship

When it's time to add some colors in your dashboards, it can easily get complicated to make the good choice for an understandable result by all. Colors have a strong...

How to create efficient data storytelling dashboards?

How to create efficient data storytelling dashboards?

Designing dashboards today seems a very simple task, thanks to modern BI tools. However designing efficient dashboards that are useful and that people want to use is not the same...

How to use the Python integrator in PowerBI?

How to use the Python integrator in PowerBI?

The Python integration in Power BI is a huge step forward from Microsoft. It opens a wide range of possibilities in terms of extracting and cleaning your data as well...

[TUTORIAL] First steps with Zeppelin

[TUTORIAL] First steps with Zeppelin

Zeppelin is the ideal companion for any Spark installation. It is a notebook that allows you to perform interactive analytics on a web browser. You can execute Spark code and...

Tutorial: How to Install a Hadoop Cluster

Tutorial: How to Install a Hadoop Cluster

You have read many articles on Hadoop and now you want to get familiar with it, but how do you install and apply this new technology? The recommended approach is...