White papers Webinars

Humans are visual creatures, more than fifty percent of our brain is involved in visual processing. This is why it is really important to understand how to create an effective dashboard which must directly highlight your main results at first glance. Discover in this webinar some best practices to create effective dashboards that bring value to your business.

It can be challenging to create a Dashboard who really talks to everyone and highlights your key data. Some common mistakes can definitely decrease the potential of your Dashboard and hide the main information (too many charts, colors, icons with plenty of information).

Do’s and Don’t of Dashboard Design

In this live session our two Data Visualization experts, Amaury de Lausnay and Jean-Philippe Favre, will show you concretely what are the best practices you should follow and the common mistakes you must avoid when we talk about Dashboard design.

What you will learn in this webinar:

– A short use case
– The challenges with your Dashboards
– A different approach to collect requirements
– A mock-up design
– The benefits of using UX/UI designers

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Data Artist - European Offer Lead Dashboard Design Orange Business

Passionate about visualization, storytelling, design and “data,” my role As Data artist is to bridge the gap between business and IT by creating data visualizations that can be quickly understood by business leaders to help accelerate decision-making.

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