Business & Decision

Passionate about visualization, storytelling, design and “data,” my role As Data artist is to bridge the gap between business and IT by creating data visualizations that can be quickly understood by business leaders to help accelerate decision-making.

All posts from Jean-Philippe Favre

Color in Dashboarding: a Love-Hate relationship

REPLAY | Color in Dashboarding: a Love-Hate relationship

When it's time to add some colors in your dashboards, it can easily get complicated to make the good choice for an understandable result by all. Colors have a strong...

How to create efficient data storytelling dashboards?

REPLAY | How to create efficient data storytelling dashboards?

Designing dashboards today seems a very simple task, thanks to modern BI tools. However designing efficient dashboards that are useful and that people want to use is not the same...

Are you ready to challenge your Dashboard?

REPLAY | Are you ready to challenge your Dashboard?

Humans are visual creatures, more than fifty percent of our brain is involved in visual processing. This is why it is really important to understand how to create an effective...

Create impactful dashboard experiences through good color usage

REPLAY | Create impactful dashboard experiences through good color usage

Is your challenge choosing the right color for your dashboard? But does it really matter which color do you use in a dashboard? How colors drive both a message &...

Data Visualization: Cognitive load, the art of balance

REPLAY | Data Visualization: Cognitive load, the art of balance

The link between Cognitive load and Dashboard is more important than you think. Did you know that Cognitive load is linked to your brain and memory? It plays a key...

How to create dashboards that can be read and understood by all (finally!)

How to create dashboards that can be read and understood by all (finally!)

In a world where the amount of data is growing exponentially, it is becoming increasingly difficult to design efficient and effective dashboards. How then can marketing managers, department heads and...