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Today’s business users remind me of my kids when they were young. If the story we read each night did not contain pictures… and better yet, interactive pictures that popped up, it was not a story that was chosen on a regular basis.

Regardless of your data set – big data, little data, meta-data, it needs to tell a story. Does yours? Is it a picture book? Is it interactive?

Qlik created a new category for Gartner – Data Visualization. Others have joined them. With the combination of GIS (geographic information systems) software and database analytics, business users are demanding (and capable of receiving) powerful location analytics. The combination of visualization tools and powerful data analytics, allows us to now visualize, question, analyze, interpret and understand data three dimensionally – revealing relationships, patterns and trends like never before.

I recently worked with a customer interested in plotting the projected path of a hurricane to see what impact it may have on its supply chain models. They further needed to drill into the underlying data to see what specific product would be impacted, who the distributors and end customers were, with the goal of ensuring they could ship the right product to the right place as quickly as possible, thereby minimize any potential downtime for their customers. And given the unpredictable nature of severe weather, they needed to be able to adjust the projected path with ease.

The applications for spatial analytics are endless. Especially when we train the next generation of business users with interactive picture books at a very early age.

What story do you need to illustrate?

Andrew Fletcher, Ex-VP of B&D North America, leads B&D North America’s BI Service Line and is responsible for BI strategy, project delivery and sales support. With more than 25 years of experience leading sales and technical teams for diverse organizations from start-ups to the Fortune…

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